English Tenses



  1. They get up at 5 a.m.
    I always visit them.
    She often makes pizza.

  2. The film starts at 9:00 pm.
    We go to New York on Sunday.

  3. Water boils at 100°C .
    Earth goes around the Sun.


rarely, seldom every day
often once a week
sometimes twice a year
usually three times a day


I read
You read
He reads    
She reads    
It reads
We read
You read
They read


tidy - tidies

do - does

watch - watches

do / does

(don`t) / does not (doesn`t)

Do I like her? I don`t like her.
Do you like her? You don`t like her.
Does he like her? He doesn`t like her.
Does she like her? he doesn`t like her.
Does it like her? It doesn`t like her.
Do we like her? We don`t like her.
Do you like her? You don`t like her.
Do they like her? They don`t like her.


Yes, I do. No, I don`t.
Yes, you do. No, you don`t.
Yes, he does. No, he doesn`t.
Yes, she does. No, she doesn`t.
Yes, it does. No, it doesn`t.
Yes, we do. No, we don`t.
Yes, you do. No, we don`t.
Yes, they do. No, they don`t.


  1. She is listening to music now.

  2. I am living in London at the moment.

  3. You are always shouting at me.


at the moment
at present


I`m playing Am I playing? I`m not playing
You`re playing Are you playing? You aren`t playing
He`s playing Is he playing? He isn`t playing
She`s playing Is she playing? She isn`t playing
It`s playing Is it playing? It isn`t playing
We`re playing Are we playing? We aren`t playing
You`re playing Are you playing? You aren`t playing
They`re playing Are they playing? They aren`t playing


Yes, I am. No, I`m not.
Yes, You are No, you aren`t.
Yes, she is. No, she isn`t.
Yes, he is No, he isn`t.
Yes, it is. , it isn`t.
Yes, we are. , we aren`t.
Yes, you are. No, you aren`t.
Yes. They are. No, they aren`t.


work - working
dance - dancing
run - running
stop - stopping





I watched this film last Monday.


the day before    
last week    
a year ago    
three months ago    


I was was I? I wasn`t
you were were you? You weren`t
he was was he? he wasn`t
she was was she? she wasn`t
it was was it? it wasn`t
we were were we? we weren`t
you were were you? you weren`t

I work - I worked


I dance - I danced.


I cry - I cried

I washed my car.
Did I wash my car?
I didn`t wash my car.
You bought a new dress.
Did you buy a new dress?
You didn`t buy a new dress.


  1. I have been in Paris.

  2. I have bought a new car.

  3. She has sprained he ankle.

Okoliczniki czasu:


I have never been to America. .


Have you ever gone to Moscow?
I haven`t ever visited my uncle.


I have just baked the cake.


My brothers have already gone home.


I haven`t done my homwerok yet.


He`s lived here for 5 years.


I haven`t cooked since Christmas/since 1982.


I have worked (I`ve worked)
You have worked (You`ve worked)
He has worked (He`s worked)
She has worked (She`s worked)
It has worked (It`s worked)
We have worked (We`ve worked)
You have worked (You`ve worked)
They have worked (they`ve worked)


Have I worked? I haven`t worked.
Have you worked? You haven`t worked.
Has she worked? She hasn`t worked.



It was raining all night.


While I was having a bath, he was reading a magazine.


She was working in her office when it started to snow.


I was working Was I working? I wasn`t working.
You were working Were you working? You weren`t working.
He/She/It was working he/she/it working? He/she/it wasn`t working.
We were working Were we working? We weren`t working.
You were working Were you working? You weren`t working.
They working Were they working? They weren`t working.


all day  



I have been waiting for you for five hours.
I have been watching TV.
You have been watching TV.
She/he/it has been watching TV.
We have been watching TV.
You have been watching TV.
They have been watching TV.

Has she been watching TV?
She hasn`t been watching TV.



I think it will be sunny tomorrow.


Will you help me?


next week  
in a week  



I will work Will I work? I won`t work
You will work Will you work? You won`t work
He will work Will he work? He won`t work
She will work Will she work? She won`t work
It will work Will it work? It won`t work
We will work Will we work? We won`t work
You will work Will you work? You won`t work
They will work Will they work? They won`t work


Yes, I will No, I won`t
Yes, she will No, she won`t



I`m going to go swimming.
He is going to wait for her at the bus stop.

I am going to work. Am I going to work.? I am not going to work.
You are going to work. Are you going to work.? You aren`t going to work.
He is going to work. Is he going to work.? He isn`t going to work.
She is going to work. Is she going to work? She isn`t going to work.
It is going to work. Is it going to work.? It isn`t going to work.
We are going to work. Are we going to work? We aren`t going to work.
You are going to work. Are you going to work.? You aren`t going to work.
They are going to work. Are they going to work.? They aren`t going to work.


Category: General English - Grammar

Tags: present Simple, Present Continuous, Past imple, Present Perfect, Past Continuous,Future SImple, Future Continuous, english tense