Telephone service


Operator: BackKing Company. May I help you?
Customer: I’d like to be connected with your customer service department.
Operator: Ok, please hold.
Customer: Thanks.


Customer: I'd like to have a phone installed, please.
Operator: May I have your name and address, please?
Customer: Sure. I am Mark Bell. B-E-L-L. My address is 23 Long Street, flat 20.
Operator: And your date of birth?
Customer: August 24, 1978.
Operator: May I have your Social Security Number, please?
Customer: Sure. My Social Security Number is 345-67-2213.
Operator: Thank you very much. The day for connection is next Saturday. Is that OK?
Customer: Yes, that’s fine. Thanks.
Operator: Have a nice day!


Operator: BackKing Company. May I help you?
Customer: I'd like to have my phone disconnected.
Operator: May I ask why?
Customer: Well, I'm moving to New York.
Operator: All right. May I have your phone number?
Customer: Sure. That’s 458264005.
Operator: Thank you. Now, when would you like it to be disconnected?
Customer: Tomorrow by 3:00 pm.


Category: Business English - Practice

Tags: telephone language, telephone english, telephone conversation